Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"Go Fish, not Gold Fish"

If I haven't told you much about my class this year, they are a complete handful and a complete blast all at the same moment.  I know they tell you that you will never forget your first class and that is totally true...they totally have my heart :)  Now that it's getting to the end of a semester, I have loved how they are starting to become more independent (praise the Lord) and starting to discover their wonderful personalities.  I am starting to be able to be myself around them now, and have more fun in the classroom without loosing control! I am also starting to learn how to balance my time and how to use my time in a productive manner!

While teaching my tutoring kids yesterday we starting playing "GO FISH: MAKING TEN."  You play it the regular way, except instead of trying to make a match, you are trying to make ten.  So if I have a 9, I would say so and so do you have a 1.  Their response was "Gold Fish!"  After correcting them time and time again, we decided to just call it gold fish instead of go fish...I'm pretty sure the language barrier didn't help at all either for this particular child :)

Little show of our precious Christmas tree!

Also if you don't know about one little special boy in my class, let me tell you about him!  In a nutshell, the second day of school he was throwing chairs and tables because of his anger, he has battled this anger all year long in how to control it, he has a not so ideal home life, and truly desires to be loved.  The biggest lesson I learned so far this year, after feeling VERY overwhelmed by him in the beginning, was my kids need relationships.  I may not have the "smartest" class, but I know my kids, they know I love them, they know I'm here for them.  That is especially true with my "loco" boy. I have such a deep relationship with him, I truly believe he finally feels peace when he comes in the room. THIS is the gospel and how it is lived out.  Not me, but God taking heart of what's his, his children and wrapping them in love.  I have seen his heart soften and know that he is experiences God's loved through relationships he has built in our class.  My prayer is that he would continue to learn about the characteristics of Christ and that he would begin to love Jesus.

Here's a few of the "Favorite December Tree" that they were asked to decorate at home and bring to school. They could decorate them with anything around the house such as beans, macaroni, etc. :)

Oh little pumpkins :) (yes those are half eaten skittles and gumdrops)

Well Sean and I spent the better have of the night (yes the night before his OSCE) looking up places to live when we go to residency.  We looked up places in Dallas, Fort Worth, Temple, Houston, and his personal favorite Denver.  Lets just say we soon became ok with spending $2000 a month to get a sweet luxury apartment....well maybe one of us was ok with it :)  We keep discussing all the possible avenues that our lives could take over the next few years, and like I said I'm so glad we're not having to plan it out.  We know God is in control and already has a place prepared...what unbelievable peace!

Sunday, December 11, 2011



This year has been a year of change to say the least.  A surprising move to Amarillo, Sean and I having "big people" jobs, new community, new desires, new friends, new challenges, new praises. Jeremiah 29:11 started to become something that I truly didn't have faith in. Plans of a future and a hope? Really? In a time and place where I feel lonely and stagnant?  I saw different reasons for God's divine purpose of us being in Amarillo, but selfishly didn't like the transition.  I saw that an amazing church plant was happening, but selfishly missed Redeemer.  I saw why Sean was placed with the individuals he was placed with for his rotation group, but felt jealous of there time. I saw why I was blessed with a job, but felt exhausted and warn out by lunch time.

This past semester has been one of change....yes to say the least....but of unbelievable growth.  God is a God who is purposeful and efficient. In Lubbock he blessed us with a community of believers that challenged us as individuals and in our marriage.  He taught us in a very short time how much Sean and I needed that in order to be more like Christ.  Because he prepared us and taught us about how beautiful he is, this whole Amarillo move  should have allowed us to know him deeper and make him known.  Instead we have failed miserably.  

I realized the other day, so much of my feelings this semester have been emotionally driven, or flesh driven.  Instead of living out the gospel and allowing Christ to redeem me, I decided how the day went with how I felt.  Those are common words for a girl...."how I felt."  However, what I realized was that of course earthly things will pass and let me down.  Christ, however, is eternal joy that I can praise everyday.  How I felt is from my flesh.  Yes, how you feel is how you feel, but why? and what will you do with it? is the next step.  

Praise the Lord for a merciful God who loves and desires us to love him. " transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."  Be transformed by the renewal of your mind.  Allow Christ to make new my mind, my thinking, my perception, that it may be aligned with his perfect will.

Ps here's a little snip it of what Sean was doing during this word vomit :)  Hullabaloo for 5 more days until surgery rotation is over! 

Can you tell I like playing with my new snazzy iphone4s camera!  More pictures to come :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Even though I may be the world's worst blogger, I am defiantly not absent from the blogging world.  Thanks to Pinterst, being a teacher, being a wife, and having the itch to nest in our house, blogs have become quite an obsession.  Therefore my early New Year's resolution is to blog more!

I started this blog because after Sean and I got married, we wanted a way to keep in touch with all of our close friends and family.  Lord knows I have dropped the ball on that, but I still desire to update everybody with our oh so exciting and changing lives out here in Amarillo.

Even though I wouldn't say we live in the more booming and hip city every, there are LOTS of exciting things that are happening in the Townsend world.

1. Sean is in his 3rd year of medical school with residency right around the corner.  There is so much to consider and so many options that will lay the foundation of our future.  Every time we start talking about it, I know God is saying, "I already have it planned out for you."  Such overwhelming peace to know that!

2. I have my first teaching job, teaching 2nd grade and I am "loving" it.  Yes, ok I really do love it.  People keep telling me, "It gets easier after your first year!"  I just have to trust that :)  I have 16 precious little babies that I adore.  They have taught me SO very much about life and keep me laughing (yes sometimes crying to) all the time.  More stories/projects/ideas/pictures to come!

My favorite quote so far came from a very witty little boy.  We were learning how to write letters and he decided to write one to favorite :)  He said, "Mrs. Townsend, can you tell me how to spell taught.  Not tater tot, like you taught me something."  How precious is he!

 'nuff said

3.  We are apart of the first Acts 29 church plan in Amarillo!  Our good friends David and Kate (who should be having their first little baby any second) followed God's calling in starting a gospel centered church in a "church on every corner" type of city.  Already we have been challenged and seen the gospel being shared.  God was amazing in how he worked everything out!  Again, more to come!

Those are some big ones.  I do promise, more to come! 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dr. Sean Townsend....almost

This is BASICALLY what I got to wake up to this morning...yes I'm going to brag all about my awesome husband :)  Sean has officially started 3rd year which means he gets to be in the hospital and clinic a majority of the time.  For his first round he is the in nursery...awwwww!  Yesterday was his first day and he said he loved it, not enough to do that for a career, but loved it.  He's teaching me all about the lingo and different positions....totally Grey's Anatomy (without all the cheating, sex, etc). This morning he had to be there at 6:30 am!  When he woke me up to tell me bye he had his precious little scrubs on, white coat, and his stethoscope around his neck!  He's pretty much the best looking guy I know :)

Be praying he does his work for the kingdom and is protected from temptation to be successful by the world's standards.  Pray that he has energy and that his passion only increases!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Anniversary Celebrations & My Little/BIG Projects

Anniversary Celebrations

I THINK I already blogged about this but I can't remember :)  Here are some pictures from our wonderful ONE year anniversary....happiest year of my life!

The "top" of our wedding cake...kinda :)  We forgot to order one
so our fabulous Mom & Dad got us a look alike!  They are so sweet and it's DELICIOUS!

Yes ladies and gentlemen we had rack of lamb for our anniversary!
It was incredible and Sean cooked it perfectly.
I did however decide I just can't eat lamb...they are so helpless!

Our wonderful anniversary dinner...we were very excited about the wine!
And Sean got me beautiful flowers :)
Don't judge our no decorations...hey we just moved in!

My Little Projects

I'm not only addicted to Pinterest, I'm actually trying to do some of the things instead of just wishing my home looked like it.  Ok, so I just started my crafts today but that is something!  Also, since we have no money (haha) I've become quite thrifty along with some other fabulous young friends.  I'm a thrifty chick/french farmhouse/modern rustic blog wanna be :)

Before...ugly vase with a roach in it!

After...chic and lovely!

Memories jar

What's for dinner dry erase marker board!...super easy to make and I think pretty cute!

Garage sale....$2

After...cute entry way table decor
with the "We do" sayings 

The Big One......

Before...Sean's dresser from childhood

After...cottage white with a sea kelp green top
hopefully antique looking

For our first project it's not too bad!  Still collecting knobs at
Hobby Lobby on sale :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Things about Amarillo

Here are some things we have learned about Amarillo since we have been here :)

  • Everywhere....I mean EVERYWHERE is closed on Sundays!
  • There are way more cute little boutiques than I thought.
  • It's dry as a bone out here....although it has stormed twice since we've been here.
  • Our neighborhood is apparently full of cats.....which we know how I feel about that!
  • The historic district (about a block from our house) is gorgeous with the most delightful old houses, huge trees, and perfect lawns.
  • There are lots of bikers in this town.
  • There is no DSW, Chipotle, or Fuzzy's which is just sad!
  • There IS the largest Hobby Lobby I've ever been in, a very cool downtown area, and lots of parks!
  • There is a ZOO!
  • It's full of cowboys...real cowboys.
  • It smells like cow poop a majority of the time....yes worse than Lubbock haha
More adventures of West Texas coming soon :)
Sean and I's ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY was the other day, and I can't believe it still.  We are a wonderful day looking at wedding pictures, notes from friends and family, and just reflecting on how this past year went.  We both decided that we had the best first year ever and are incredibly bless to have each other.  Sean is defiantly one of a kind that balances me out and brings me so much joy.  One year in and I can't imagine my life without him :)

We did get some good laughs about how we have changed in our relationship and individually!  He told me that he thinks he knows exactly how I would act in any situation, which is probably true.  I also learned that Sean loved Spice Girls when he was younger....guess that's what they mean when they say you learn new things about your spouse everyday!  He truly is my other half and I'm so blessed to have him as my husband :)

I'm dying to post pictures of our little cottage home up in Amarillo, but I have to wait for my interior decorator, Jennifer Lipman, to come and help!  She has ALWAYS decorated my living spaces for me whether it's half a dorm room, a tiny tiled room in a house, our first apartment, and now she's coming for our cottage home.  I truly couldn't do it without her, and I have a feeling we will be on pinterest all day getting ideas for diy projects and different ideas.  I still think she should open up her own store and decorate for a living!

Speaking of DIY projects....I am taking on my first HUGE furniture project!  Sean and I are redoing his old dresser for our bedroom.  I tend to get pretty ambitious in my projects, so hopefully this one turns on ok!  I'll post pictures hopefully tomorrow with the finished product!

Here are so pictures I've been meaning to post:

Dessert date with mom and dad

Crackle Barrel dessert.... delicious!

dream door knobs from our hotel in Galveston

Our last meal in our first apartment :(

Sean insist I put this on our blog :)  One of the most hilarious pictures of all time!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Amarillo is Home?

Well folks we are officially moved in and semi-settled in Amarillo.  We still wake up every morning and can't believe we are here.  With some fantastic help thanks to Marshall, Bekah, and Josh, we got all moved up here in a very large, very full Uhaul.  We were blessed with a breezy 114 degrees moving weekend...needless to say we owe some friends.  My parents also came up for the move extravaganza, as they always do to help their little girl move.  They were a HUGE help as mom made the place shine, and take fixed everything broken in sight.  Sean and I are crazy blessed to have family and friends that love us and love Jesus so much!  Pictures coming soon...

Also between the last post Sean finished Step 1....praise the Lord!  We should be finding out the scores here within the next few weeks.....keep those prayers coming!  We also went down to Houston for Grampie's memorial.  It was a very good remembrance of him and some wonderful family time.  I'm so glad we got to be down there for a few days on Sean's break.  After our visit we headed down to Galveston for a day/night relaxing celebration.  We arrived that morning and spent the whole day at the beach.  After that we drove to our fabulous European style hotel and realized we looked like LOBSTERS!  Guess that's what a day at the beach does to you.  After we bathed in aloe vera we had a wonderful seafood dinner.  It was a very relaxing day with good, quality time together!

I feel like there have been so many changes in our lives recently and lots of stress along the way.  Sean and I have spent the last few days really reflecting on how we handled the past few weeks and if we truly trusted Jesus in all of it.  Something we learned was that when we take situations or problems into our hands and we try and figure out a solution, it ALWAYS turns on wrong...duh right?  God has been teaching us to look at him for everything life gives you and to never rely on your own strength.  We were listening to a podcast and the pastor said something about hating when people say 'God never gives you more than you can handle.'  He said he gives us more all the time so we are forced to rely on his strength.  We could have never gotten through this crazy time without God's grace and strength.  My prayer right now is that my passion to know Jesus grows more and more and in that, that I would fall in love with him more.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pizza and Dust

The night before the big day Sean got done studying at about 6:00 so he could relax.  It worked out pretty perfectly that game 6 was on...I was praying that it would be a good distraction and not an even more stressful one.

I surprised him by ordering his favorite Chicago style pizza from Lou Malnatis which he was very excited about.  Nothing like good food to calm your nerves.  We sat on the floor in our living room and scarfed down the pizza while watching the Mavs dominate the Heat (our kitchen table has been turned into an office therefore we eat on the floor now).

Precious husband eating his pizza with a glass of wine
While we were watching the game during a commercial, the very energetic weather man from Lubbock comes on and announces a "Severe Weather Warning."  He shows a map and says that a WALL OF DUST was approaching Lubbock and to take cover!  What does that even mean!  We look outside and we couldn't see anything, it was perfectly sunny and a few clouds.  A few minutes later we looked outside and could see some red off in the distant, nothing out of the ordinary for LBK though.  THEN we looked out and it was crazy wind and very low visibility! The picture doesn't even do it justice!

Crazy "wall of dust" in Lubbock
Nothing like pizza, dust, and a ship to get you focused for Step!  Keep him in your prayers today...he should be done about 4:00!  Wahoo!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Circle Trilogy

Right now I'm reading The Circle Trilogy books by Ted Dekker.  I just finished the second one, Red, this morning and can't wait to pick up the last one, White.  Normally I'm not into christian fiction as they can be a little cheesy sometime, but Sean told me to read them so I did.  

After finishing Red, it truly is like experiencing God through literature.  I don't want to give anything away in case you read it, which I strongly recommend, but they way Dekker parallels Christianity is incredible.  If you need a good summer read, pick it up! 

I need more summer reads though, so if you have any let me know!

My new obsession, other than SYTYCD, is a website called pinterest.  I could literally spend a few hours on this thing thanks to Mrs. Julie Eyehorn! It's really helping me organize my thoughts about decorating, recipes, and diy projects....and if you know me at all you know I need some help with that!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

3 days and counting

Alright ladies and gents...3 more study days till Sean's test!  He's doing wonderful, but very ready to get it over!  I'm so proud of how disciplined he has been, and I know he's going to absolutely rock this test!

The other morning I was sitting across from him while he was studying, and I was looking at diy/decorating blogs (don't judge) and I asked him if I could quiz him!  He gladly handed over his 2 inch book that he's been going through.  I opened it up and he already know what was on that page...he seriously has photographic memory!  I stumbled through pronouncing the words and, with his help, eventually spit out a question.  Ya'll he rocked it!  He knew every answer and could just say these crazy words!  Sean seriously amazes me with all that knowledge he has packed into his head :)

**Hopefully he won't read this blog cause he hates when I brag on him :)  I'm supposed to though!

Please keep praying for:
-Townsend family
-Sean's test (all day on Monday)
-Direction for next year
-Peace as we are getting ready to change directions in our lives
-Carpenters as they get ready to move to Africa!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Miss You Grampie

Yesterday morning we got a call from Mrs. Townsend that her dad, Grampie had a heart attack and was in the hospital.  Throughout the day we were hopeful that when he woke up from the coma, it would be difficult, but that he would be fine.  That was not God's plans though.  Yesterday afternoon precious Grampie went to be with Jesus.  While this is very unexpected and difficult, we know God prevails through even this.

Grampie and the family at our wedding 

Please be praying for his wife, his family, and friends as they are copping with this loss.  Be praying for strength and that God's name would be known through this.  Pray for comfort and assurance in Jesus.  

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

I love summer and all that it includes!  Laying out by the pool, yummy fruit, grilling outside with friends, etc.  Well here are a few of my new obsessions this summer:

Neutragena Pink Grapefruit face wash.  I usually use the original, but saw this one at Target and it just smells so dang good!

I would take a picture of the one I bought yesterday, but I ALREADY ATE IT ALL!  It was only one of those baby watermelons, but I wouldn't put it past me to eat a huge one either.

So I didn't even really like Sangria, but bought this one to give it a try and truly love it!  It's Market Street brand "Patio Sangria."  It's super delicious and great on these hot summer nights!  I can't wait to bring it to grill with friends!

Jen is totally going to make fun of me for this, but I'm really into the Ted Dekker Circle Trilogy books!  Currently I'm reading the second one, Red, and stayed up a little too late last night reading it.  Sean always gets me hooked on these weird books that we both love :)

Strawberries and Rhubard!  I haven't actually made this yet but plan on making it tonight for dessert.  I got this recipe from Skinny Taste and can't wait to try it.  Everyone is obsessing over rhubarb right now and I've never had it!  I'm really excited to see how it taste!

If you know me at all, you know I love the summer series "So You Think You Can Dance!"  I'm not going to lie, I actually call in and vote for my favorite dancers.  My dream is to be on this show....I said it was a dream :)

red velvet in a jar
Cupcakes in a jar!  My new favorite project I'll be trying soon!

Have a great day ya''s another windy, hot day out here in Lubbock :)  Guess that means no laying out...I should probably be packing anyways.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our apartment officially looks a little depressing today.  I've started packing...ok I've packed one box...and have taken most things off the wall!  It truly reminds me that a few pictures, decorative birds, and candles can go a long way :)  

The good news is I googled "free moving boxes" and am currently having 10 free boxes sent to me thanks to USPS...they may be kinda small but that's ok!  THEY ARE FREE!  Hopefully we will be getting some more soon :)

The other good news is "So You Think You Can Dance" has started and Sean has agreed to watch it with me :)  Wahoo!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Decorating Blogs

So after almost a year of being in our apartment, I totally have the itch to revamp it a little bit!  I truly don't want to buy anything expensive, and love it as is, but just a few changes. I have been a tiny, little, bit obsessed with looking at decorating blogs.  I've discovered I like the "Modern French" look.  A few of my favorite blogs are:

See I already saw something I liked on there and just spent 15 minutes looking at it!  Anyways my goals for our low budget revamp are:
  • Paint our kitchen table and chairs
  • Recover chairs
I'll pause right there to talk about my dream paint to use.  It's called Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and again I'm not obsessed with it :)  I would love to do Old White and then sand the edges to give a worn look.  Where is Mrs. Cotton when you need her!

  • paint the wanna be headboard in our guest room
That room is cute but so mix match.  I'm not sure what color to paint it yet so I think I'm going to wait until we move up to Amarillo.

We tried the "turn an old door into a desk" idea but found that it wasn't very practical unless you bought glass to go on top of it....too expensive.  We are now looking for just a simple table that is practical....any ideas?  I want to have the desk area very organized and clean so Sean can study at it!
Home Office
  • Find a new desk and redo desk area
  • Redo our bedroom
I'm so excited we can paint in our new apartment!  It's such a good way to spice up a room inexpensively.  What we need for in there is two side tables with lamps.  I can even paint the side tables so really they could just be from a resale shop!  I found some super cute lamps at target that I love so we shall see!
CA Stacked Crystal Table Lamp Base
Love these bases...these are from PB but the ones from Target look very similar!

Burlap Tapered Drum Lamp Shade
Of course I love anything burlap...again these are from PB but they have less expensive ones are Target

Well those are just a few of my ideas....I'll keep dreaming :)  If ya'll have any easy DIY projects please share them with me!    

Sunday, May 29, 2011

3 weeks down, 2 more to go

The hubsters and I are finally back in Lubbock after the New York trip with mom and sister and the Hilbert's wedding :)  Wow has it been a crazy last couple of weeks.  Our trip to Dallas was much needed seeing lots of family and friends, and also some peace and quiet for Sean!

Me and the girls at a cute Wine and Cheese Restaurant....aren't they so cute!

The start off the NY trip with the girls was just fabulous.  We spent the whole time shopping, eating, and watching Broadway shoes...a true girls trip.  We saw "Mary Poppins" and "Chicago" and I have been singing songs from both ever since we got to LBK for some reason.  I even made Sean watch a few youtube videos of Mary Poppins.  We had fabulous food and some really great wine.  I might have to say my favorite food was the sushi, but that might only be because I haven't had sushi in forever....we can't bring ourselves to eat sushi in Lubbock.

The trip, while not necessarily restful, was somehow very relaxing.  Whenever I get to spend time with these two lovely ladies I'm always so encouraged and always have so much fun.  I'm so blessed to have them!  I truly have learned so much from them about myself, how to be a wife, and how to be a better friend!  I couldn't do life without them! I also truly love and look up to my wonderful Dad and brother-in-law.  It's so good for us to be around them and remind ourselves what being the leader looks like.  Again I'm so glad I have wonderful role models to look up to.

We also saw tons of friends, and like always, made us wish we could be closer to them.  We went on double dates with Kris and Garrett and Cody and Allison, we saw Cory and Coby, Ty and Bethany, Cooper, Kate and Drew, and the list goes on and on.  It did make us very grateful though for how blessed we are with the friends we have made in Lubbock.  We will miss them so much when we move to Amarillo!

Kristin and I from forever ago!

The last event was Kristin and Garrett's wedding.  It was BEAUTIFUL, so fun, and so personal.  We loved getting to see some of our best friends tie the knot and are already planning vacations with them...they just don't know it yet!  Pictures to come soon!
Us on our way to the wedding

Countdown to STEP: 14 days!  
Keep Sean in your prayers.  He is doing awesome with studying and really pushing through.  Pray that he has strength, endurance, and a passion to pursue this for Christ :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful Mom who is strong, beautiful, positive, and joyful because of her love for Christ.  She has given so much to our family, and I'm grateful that I have a wonderful mom like her.  She is not only a role model mom, but wife, and friend.  Can't wait to spend a whole week (practically) in NY with you!

Today is not only Mother's day, but the day Sean starts his intense studying for, what we like to call Step by Step...aka Step 1!  We had a wonderful break weekend before he started the craziness.  Thanks to groupon, we went to the Lubbock Symphony, got a few car things fixed, laid out at the rec pool, ate at his favorite Blue Sky, and saw "Something Borrowed" which was pretty cute!  All in all in was a much needed weekend.  Both of us are ready to start this studying, and both of us are ready to get it over with!  

Please be praying for him that he has a renewed strength everyday and keeps in perspective what all this is glorify Christ and further his kingdom.  Be praying that I would be patient and not selfish with my "needs," and that I would truly serve my husband as the church is supposed to serve God.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Not Quite a Chaco's Girl

One of Sean and I's favorite stores in Lubbock is Mountain Hideaway.  It sells camping equipment, clothes, shoes, fishing stuff etc.  Since I've been dating Sean, I have joined the Townsend's to CO many times.  We have all of our backpacks, camping gear, hiking boots (oh yes), and my favorite zip off pants thanks to Mr. T!

Well today at Mountain Hideaway they were having an Arbor Day sale that included 30-70% off so much stuff.  I would be lying if I said I didn't pick up a pair of chaco's and try them on, but I just cannot do it.  I may sometimes desire to be granola, but I just can't do the chacos.  I did however find a wonderful alternate, but you're not allowed to judge me on this.  I bought myself a pair of EXTREMELY comfortable Teva Olowahu sandals that I think are cute, if you're going for the Colorado look :)  I got them for super cheap, so it was defiantly worth it.
Thanks to my fabulous sister Jennifer I am also even more obsessed with Bethenny Frankel/Happy from Bethenny Ever After.  When they came to visit she brought me THE Skinnygirl Margarita, and it's delicious!  We had some while planning our fab New York trip, to feel very newyorkish, and then surprised me with ANOTHER bottle in our wine cooler when they left.  Jen you're the best, and I can't wait to spend a week with you and mom in NY!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Give Me Jesus

In the morning, when I rise
Give me Jesus
When I am alone
Give me Jesus
When I come to die
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus

I heard this song the other day when I was cleaning and listening to pandora.  God is so good with timing isn't he? :)  These past few months have been challenging for Sean and I because of the move to Amarillo.  I had allowed myself to become stressed with finding a job, finding a place to live, and just working everything out.  This past week God taught both of us to "keep calm and carry on."  Be calm and acknowledge that God is totally in control, and carry on with your life, don't stop living it because of the future.  After some hard lessons learned that is exactly what we are going to do.  We are now recognizing that God's plan is better than our own and that his plan is exactly what we need.  

Some exciting things coming up:

  • Well this already happen, but we had a fabulous time in Houston and CS.  It made us both miss family and those precious college days!
  • The Pasche's and Lipman's are coming in town this weekend to celebrate Easter.  We are very excited to have the whole gang together! 
  • Little Mrs. Ashley Eppers is pregnant again and I am just so excited for her!  I don't see how Baby #3 could be anymore precious than the other two, but I'm sure it will be :)  Congratulations Ashley and Sean!
  • 53 more days until Sean's boards are over!  Wahoo!
  • I'm not obsessed with cupcake and decor's such a bad habit!  My new favorite is "Cupcake Project"  I'm going to make chocolate coconut rum cupcakes for easter!   I'll let you know how it goes!  I really have found that even though I make a MESS when I bake, it really is a stress reliever for me!
  • 28 days until NEW YORK WITH MOM AND J!  We are so excited and if you have any of those "must sees" let us know!
  • When I went up to Amarillo on Monday, I found the most perfect house inside and's just a few hundy over our price range!
This house is located in the historic district of Amarillo.  It's all brick with so much character.

When you walk in this is the entry way.  It has chic white built ins all over the house, hard wood floors, old timey characteristics. 

Isn't this the most wonderful house you have ever seen.  I walked in and felt like I was in Pottery Barn magazine.  One day :)