Saturday, December 10, 2011


Even though I may be the world's worst blogger, I am defiantly not absent from the blogging world.  Thanks to Pinterst, being a teacher, being a wife, and having the itch to nest in our house, blogs have become quite an obsession.  Therefore my early New Year's resolution is to blog more!

I started this blog because after Sean and I got married, we wanted a way to keep in touch with all of our close friends and family.  Lord knows I have dropped the ball on that, but I still desire to update everybody with our oh so exciting and changing lives out here in Amarillo.

Even though I wouldn't say we live in the more booming and hip city every, there are LOTS of exciting things that are happening in the Townsend world.

1. Sean is in his 3rd year of medical school with residency right around the corner.  There is so much to consider and so many options that will lay the foundation of our future.  Every time we start talking about it, I know God is saying, "I already have it planned out for you."  Such overwhelming peace to know that!

2. I have my first teaching job, teaching 2nd grade and I am "loving" it.  Yes, ok I really do love it.  People keep telling me, "It gets easier after your first year!"  I just have to trust that :)  I have 16 precious little babies that I adore.  They have taught me SO very much about life and keep me laughing (yes sometimes crying to) all the time.  More stories/projects/ideas/pictures to come!

My favorite quote so far came from a very witty little boy.  We were learning how to write letters and he decided to write one to favorite :)  He said, "Mrs. Townsend, can you tell me how to spell taught.  Not tater tot, like you taught me something."  How precious is he!

 'nuff said

3.  We are apart of the first Acts 29 church plan in Amarillo!  Our good friends David and Kate (who should be having their first little baby any second) followed God's calling in starting a gospel centered church in a "church on every corner" type of city.  Already we have been challenged and seen the gospel being shared.  God was amazing in how he worked everything out!  Again, more to come!

Those are some big ones.  I do promise, more to come!