Sunday, December 11, 2011



This year has been a year of change to say the least.  A surprising move to Amarillo, Sean and I having "big people" jobs, new community, new desires, new friends, new challenges, new praises. Jeremiah 29:11 started to become something that I truly didn't have faith in. Plans of a future and a hope? Really? In a time and place where I feel lonely and stagnant?  I saw different reasons for God's divine purpose of us being in Amarillo, but selfishly didn't like the transition.  I saw that an amazing church plant was happening, but selfishly missed Redeemer.  I saw why Sean was placed with the individuals he was placed with for his rotation group, but felt jealous of there time. I saw why I was blessed with a job, but felt exhausted and warn out by lunch time.

This past semester has been one of change....yes to say the least....but of unbelievable growth.  God is a God who is purposeful and efficient. In Lubbock he blessed us with a community of believers that challenged us as individuals and in our marriage.  He taught us in a very short time how much Sean and I needed that in order to be more like Christ.  Because he prepared us and taught us about how beautiful he is, this whole Amarillo move  should have allowed us to know him deeper and make him known.  Instead we have failed miserably.  

I realized the other day, so much of my feelings this semester have been emotionally driven, or flesh driven.  Instead of living out the gospel and allowing Christ to redeem me, I decided how the day went with how I felt.  Those are common words for a girl...."how I felt."  However, what I realized was that of course earthly things will pass and let me down.  Christ, however, is eternal joy that I can praise everyday.  How I felt is from my flesh.  Yes, how you feel is how you feel, but why? and what will you do with it? is the next step.  

Praise the Lord for a merciful God who loves and desires us to love him. " transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."  Be transformed by the renewal of your mind.  Allow Christ to make new my mind, my thinking, my perception, that it may be aligned with his perfect will.

Ps here's a little snip it of what Sean was doing during this word vomit :)  Hullabaloo for 5 more days until surgery rotation is over! 

Can you tell I like playing with my new snazzy iphone4s camera!  More pictures to come :)

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