Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fabulous Family Time

Last weekend Mom and Dad came to visit us in Lubbock!  It was there first time here since we moved and we were delighted to see them.  After their long "Are we there yet?" drive, we showed them the best of LBK.  They were so gracious and took us grocery shopping, to target, and out for dinner.  We promised them (and to The Townsends, who help us out so much) that we will pay them back when we get older :)  Here's a few pics from the weekend:

Mom and I at Abuelos

The most wonderful men in my life

Precious mom and dad...still in love!

Sean and I at the winery in Lbk

Townsends and Pasches at dinner for Dad's birthday


  1. Love you all and love the pictures!! You're getting so good at posting! :)

  2. you and your fam are precious :-) can we visit too?? miss you so much.

  3. Kate please come visit! How fun would that be!
