Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dr. Sean Townsend....almost

This is BASICALLY what I got to wake up to this morning...yes I'm going to brag all about my awesome husband :)  Sean has officially started 3rd year which means he gets to be in the hospital and clinic a majority of the time.  For his first round he is the in nursery...awwwww!  Yesterday was his first day and he said he loved it, not enough to do that for a career, but loved it.  He's teaching me all about the lingo and different positions....totally Grey's Anatomy (without all the cheating, sex, etc). This morning he had to be there at 6:30 am!  When he woke me up to tell me bye he had his precious little scrubs on, white coat, and his stethoscope around his neck!  He's pretty much the best looking guy I know :)

Be praying he does his work for the kingdom and is protected from temptation to be successful by the world's standards.  Pray that he has energy and that his passion only increases!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Anniversary Celebrations & My Little/BIG Projects

Anniversary Celebrations

I THINK I already blogged about this but I can't remember :)  Here are some pictures from our wonderful ONE year anniversary....happiest year of my life!

The "top" of our wedding cake...kinda :)  We forgot to order one
so our fabulous Mom & Dad got us a look alike!  They are so sweet and it's DELICIOUS!

Yes ladies and gentlemen we had rack of lamb for our anniversary!
It was incredible and Sean cooked it perfectly.
I did however decide I just can't eat lamb...they are so helpless!

Our wonderful anniversary dinner...we were very excited about the wine!
And Sean got me beautiful flowers :)
Don't judge our no decorations...hey we just moved in!

My Little Projects

I'm not only addicted to Pinterest, I'm actually trying to do some of the things instead of just wishing my home looked like it.  Ok, so I just started my crafts today but that is something!  Also, since we have no money (haha) I've become quite thrifty along with some other fabulous young friends.  I'm a thrifty chick/french farmhouse/modern rustic blog wanna be :)

Before...ugly vase with a roach in it!

After...chic and lovely!

Memories jar

What's for dinner dry erase marker board!...super easy to make and I think pretty cute!

Garage sale....$2

After...cute entry way table decor
with the "We do" sayings 

The Big One......

Before...Sean's dresser from childhood

After...cottage white with a sea kelp green top
hopefully antique looking

For our first project it's not too bad!  Still collecting knobs at
Hobby Lobby on sale :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Things about Amarillo

Here are some things we have learned about Amarillo since we have been here :)

  • Everywhere....I mean EVERYWHERE is closed on Sundays!
  • There are way more cute little boutiques than I thought.
  • It's dry as a bone out here....although it has stormed twice since we've been here.
  • Our neighborhood is apparently full of cats.....which we know how I feel about that!
  • The historic district (about a block from our house) is gorgeous with the most delightful old houses, huge trees, and perfect lawns.
  • There are lots of bikers in this town.
  • There is no DSW, Chipotle, or Fuzzy's which is just sad!
  • There IS the largest Hobby Lobby I've ever been in, a very cool downtown area, and lots of parks!
  • There is a ZOO!
  • It's full of cowboys...real cowboys.
  • It smells like cow poop a majority of the time....yes worse than Lubbock haha
More adventures of West Texas coming soon :)
Sean and I's ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY was the other day, and I can't believe it still.  We are a wonderful day looking at wedding pictures, notes from friends and family, and just reflecting on how this past year went.  We both decided that we had the best first year ever and are incredibly bless to have each other.  Sean is defiantly one of a kind that balances me out and brings me so much joy.  One year in and I can't imagine my life without him :)

We did get some good laughs about how we have changed in our relationship and individually!  He told me that he thinks he knows exactly how I would act in any situation, which is probably true.  I also learned that Sean loved Spice Girls when he was younger....guess that's what they mean when they say you learn new things about your spouse everyday!  He truly is my other half and I'm so blessed to have him as my husband :)

I'm dying to post pictures of our little cottage home up in Amarillo, but I have to wait for my interior decorator, Jennifer Lipman, to come and help!  She has ALWAYS decorated my living spaces for me whether it's half a dorm room, a tiny tiled room in a house, our first apartment, and now she's coming for our cottage home.  I truly couldn't do it without her, and I have a feeling we will be on pinterest all day getting ideas for diy projects and different ideas.  I still think she should open up her own store and decorate for a living!

Speaking of DIY projects....I am taking on my first HUGE furniture project!  Sean and I are redoing his old dresser for our bedroom.  I tend to get pretty ambitious in my projects, so hopefully this one turns on ok!  I'll post pictures hopefully tomorrow with the finished product!

Here are so pictures I've been meaning to post:

Dessert date with mom and dad

Crackle Barrel dessert.... delicious!

dream door knobs from our hotel in Galveston

Our last meal in our first apartment :(

Sean insist I put this on our blog :)  One of the most hilarious pictures of all time!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Amarillo is Home?

Well folks we are officially moved in and semi-settled in Amarillo.  We still wake up every morning and can't believe we are here.  With some fantastic help thanks to Marshall, Bekah, and Josh, we got all moved up here in a very large, very full Uhaul.  We were blessed with a breezy 114 degrees moving weekend...needless to say we owe some friends.  My parents also came up for the move extravaganza, as they always do to help their little girl move.  They were a HUGE help as mom made the place shine, and take fixed everything broken in sight.  Sean and I are crazy blessed to have family and friends that love us and love Jesus so much!  Pictures coming soon...

Also between the last post Sean finished Step 1....praise the Lord!  We should be finding out the scores here within the next few weeks.....keep those prayers coming!  We also went down to Houston for Grampie's memorial.  It was a very good remembrance of him and some wonderful family time.  I'm so glad we got to be down there for a few days on Sean's break.  After our visit we headed down to Galveston for a day/night relaxing celebration.  We arrived that morning and spent the whole day at the beach.  After that we drove to our fabulous European style hotel and realized we looked like LOBSTERS!  Guess that's what a day at the beach does to you.  After we bathed in aloe vera we had a wonderful seafood dinner.  It was a very relaxing day with good, quality time together!

I feel like there have been so many changes in our lives recently and lots of stress along the way.  Sean and I have spent the last few days really reflecting on how we handled the past few weeks and if we truly trusted Jesus in all of it.  Something we learned was that when we take situations or problems into our hands and we try and figure out a solution, it ALWAYS turns on wrong...duh right?  God has been teaching us to look at him for everything life gives you and to never rely on your own strength.  We were listening to a podcast and the pastor said something about hating when people say 'God never gives you more than you can handle.'  He said he gives us more all the time so we are forced to rely on his strength.  We could have never gotten through this crazy time without God's grace and strength.  My prayer right now is that my passion to know Jesus grows more and more and in that, that I would fall in love with him more.