Saturday, July 2, 2011

Amarillo is Home?

Well folks we are officially moved in and semi-settled in Amarillo.  We still wake up every morning and can't believe we are here.  With some fantastic help thanks to Marshall, Bekah, and Josh, we got all moved up here in a very large, very full Uhaul.  We were blessed with a breezy 114 degrees moving weekend...needless to say we owe some friends.  My parents also came up for the move extravaganza, as they always do to help their little girl move.  They were a HUGE help as mom made the place shine, and take fixed everything broken in sight.  Sean and I are crazy blessed to have family and friends that love us and love Jesus so much!  Pictures coming soon...

Also between the last post Sean finished Step 1....praise the Lord!  We should be finding out the scores here within the next few weeks.....keep those prayers coming!  We also went down to Houston for Grampie's memorial.  It was a very good remembrance of him and some wonderful family time.  I'm so glad we got to be down there for a few days on Sean's break.  After our visit we headed down to Galveston for a day/night relaxing celebration.  We arrived that morning and spent the whole day at the beach.  After that we drove to our fabulous European style hotel and realized we looked like LOBSTERS!  Guess that's what a day at the beach does to you.  After we bathed in aloe vera we had a wonderful seafood dinner.  It was a very relaxing day with good, quality time together!

I feel like there have been so many changes in our lives recently and lots of stress along the way.  Sean and I have spent the last few days really reflecting on how we handled the past few weeks and if we truly trusted Jesus in all of it.  Something we learned was that when we take situations or problems into our hands and we try and figure out a solution, it ALWAYS turns on wrong...duh right?  God has been teaching us to look at him for everything life gives you and to never rely on your own strength.  We were listening to a podcast and the pastor said something about hating when people say 'God never gives you more than you can handle.'  He said he gives us more all the time so we are forced to rely on his strength.  We could have never gotten through this crazy time without God's grace and strength.  My prayer right now is that my passion to know Jesus grows more and more and in that, that I would fall in love with him more.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading a new book. It's called "bittersweet" by shauna niequist. It is all about change and a very good read!! Look into it! :) Love you guys!
